The Consummate Storyteller

Over the course of her noted career, Bryn has been recognized repeatedly for setting new standards for storytelling. She was the original executive producer and showrunner of Intervention, the groundbreaking documentary series about addiction that won both an Emmy and a President’s Award, the highest honor bestowed by the Public Relation Society of America (PRISM) She is also the recipient of an AP Award and a Society for Professional Journalists Award.
In Los Angeles, she oversaw operations for ABC News where she won numerous awards as an investigative reporter. Philadelphia Magazine named her Best Reporter saying: “she always gets the goods but has a poet’s sensibility”.
Bryn has used her storytelling talents with private clients and companies for more than a decade. The combination of her skills made her a natural choice for TED where she worked as the Editorial Director and Curator for the TED Institute from 2014 to 2019. Bryn executed TED events for Fortune 100 and 500 companies. Her work at TED included speaker coaching, overseeing all editorial content for events that she curated and hosted around the world.
Throughout her professional life, Bryn has demonstrated an ability to clearly articulate ideas, stories, and goals. Through countless public speaking engagements, TV appearances, media interviews, and creative presentations, she has proven herself to be an uncommonly effective motivator, communicator and storyteller.
Bryn taught journalism to graduate students at USC for seven years and is the co-author of the critically acclaimed book “In Eddie’s Name.”
Deeply committed to social justice, she is the recipient of the Hollywood Humanitarian Award, served on the board of Free the Slaves, is currently a board member of Jail Guitar Doors, a prison reform charity and is the co-founder of Voices4Freedom*, an international organization which strives to eradicate slavery through education and media.
“Being authentic and standing up for ourselves starts by quieting our inner critic. This critic is in all of us but it’s not your true self no matter how much it feels that way. Your true inner voice is kind, it advocates for you and, without being strident, knows that you deserve to reach your goals. The more you speak to yourself with love, the louder and clearer your authentic voice becomes.

-Emmy Award, Emmy Nomination, AP Award, Society for Professional Journalists Award, President’s Award- the highest honor bestowed by the Public Relation Society of America (PRISM), Winner Philadelphia Magazine Best Reporter Award which said, “Bryn always gets the goods but has a poets sensibility.”